Gads, it has been way too long since this thing has been updated. CATIR was taken down because of some personal problems I was having at the time, but hopefully those times are behind me and I can move on. What this basically means is that I gave the site another makeover, and added two more fandoms to the collection. Good Charlotte and SR-71 might be unlikely band choices for my brand of fiction, but I have my reasons. Sort profiles are up in the Meet the Guys section, and the first stories are posted. Let me know what you think, and welcome to Confusing All That Is Real 3.0!
I'm just messing with things because school has really set me back lately. WR Artworks is up, and there is a link to the site in the Art section. Meteora came out last month, awesome album and DVD set. I promise that updates are on the way, because I have been writing, just not anything finished enough to post yet...
Be proud, be very proud. I have updated Somewhere Out There, What Is And Shall Forever Be, and yet another section for The Artist Collection! Of course, it is now just after 6 am, and I'm about to fall asleep. I have come to the decision that I am going to be building another site when I get enough time, featuring my artwork, planned to be called WR Artworks. Once it is running, I'll be back to the debate of whether or not to offer ordering for them, as it hasn't gotten me any customers before. However, I'm hoping for the best in any case.Danke, thank you, and GOOD NIGHT! hehe --_^
I am getting horribly bad, as you can tell. So, I have updated Savage Park (took six months, but it's finally going again!), and The Artist Collection most recently, and more is on the way. I've already started on updates for Somewhere Out There, and I know I'm down to two sections left for Leisure Suit Dazzler. I've got a couple big things that I'm working on. One is called "Thr Journey Home" if I remember right, and is my cross over with Lord Of The Rings. It will be posted as soon as I am done, as I am considering being evil and splitting it into seperate books as this one is already breaking twenty pages. The second is called "Confusing All That Is Real", and there will be more on that as the time comes. Yes, it's going to be confusing, and some of you probably won't get it, but if you've had the chance to play Kingdom Hearts for PlayStation2, you're one step ahead!
As you can see, I had a bit more fun than I originally thought I was going to. So, everything looks a bit different right off the bat, but there are a couple things changing further in as well. The SG fiction has been split into three sections for my own reasons, SG Series Fictions, SG Normalities, and SG Slash. This is basically so I don't have to put labels on each story, which few people seem to notice anyway.
Chapter 4 is now up in Somewhere Out There, though the new stories I mentioned before are still not ready to be posted. Good things come to those who wait...
And just for memories sake, this is what we've come from:
![sitepic1.jpg](https://dazwolf.tripod.com//sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/sitepic1.jpg) 1/21/2003
So, I'm coming to the conclusion that I'm just lazy, but that could be due to the fact that I've been going back to school for almost a month now. Moving is such a wonderful mess, I'll be glad when I can just settle down again.
Chapter three is up in Leisure Suit Dazzler, and I'm thinking that there will only be two more chapters, if that. I've got some stuff coming up shortly...New sketches, new stories, and perhaps a new series...In fact, there will most certainly be a new series, so keep your eyes out for Something About The Raine to be up in the next little while.
Not many changes done besides that I can't decide what picture to keep up on the SG Fiction page. Think I've switched it out three times in the last two months. I've just decided that I'm going to make a new page with some wallpapers so you can add some new Wolf-Art to your computers if you want....
So, just keep watching, I'm going to have some fun :D
Alright, there are some new stories added, two more in the Solitude in the Darkness set, and soon to be another in a new set, The Lyric Connection. The first fic in the series is actually Where You Wanted To Be, I was just too lazy to do a sequel until now. I'm still working on banners as of now, but 99% of the fics have them now. :D
So, what can I say besides that I've been updating everything but this for the longest time. Alright, I know a couple of months isn't much, but still. Lots of stuff has been added, new stories, new pages, yadda yadda yadda...The one pride of the moment goes to The Old Clock in the Savage Garden section. Check it out, it's like the reinvention of myself :D
Looks like I'm reworking again. FanFiction.net announced today that the Music Groups section is being taken down perminently, so I am forced to part ways with the site that started my writing career. Unless I find somewhere else, this site will be the only key to my fiction. What else can I say besides, "Screw you, ff.net!"
So it's been a year since the US the Trade Center fell, and people are still crying. All I can say is, it's time to move on. Why live in the past when there is a great future ahead? I also found a new job, though I am not pleased with it, and I'm glad I'll only have to deal with it for a few months. Anyway, three new stories have been added to the Savage Fiction section, as well as two chapter updates for The Artist Collection. Darren Hayes is on his first solo tour, and things are going well.
I've just added two new stories to the Savage Garden Fiction section. Be sure to check them out. I have also added links to a forum/discussion board for this site on numerous pages. Use that to let me know what you think. The Walker Project page is now up and running as well, though it doesn't have anything to do with this site really besides personal interest...:rollseyes:
Another long day of work on this site, and I am pleasently pleased with how it looks. It's finally time to publish this monster. Enjoy!
Today was my last day on the radio, and what a send off. Got to play the new "Points of Autority" remix a couple of times, and finally got to post up another sketch that I finished for the station. Work continues on the site as it comes closer to the finishing date.
I found out that I won't be going to college until next semester, so that gives me more time to finish out everything here. The LP guys were in LA this morning, and told a reporter that they've been working on their new studio release to be finished in the next year. They say that there will be more of the strings that they experimented with in "Reanimation."
Work begins on "Confusing All That Is Real."
"Reanimation" is released.